Does Santa Claus Have Super Powers: Can He Be Victorious Over Deadpool
We all have seen the carnage that can happen when powerful mutants fight one another. One example is the iconic rivalry in the Marvel universe involving Wolverine and Sabretooth. These two characters have a turbulent history as they are marked by intense animosity and numerous battles. Wolverine, with his regenerative healing factor and adamantium claws clashes with Sabretooth who possesses similar attributes and a animalistic fighting style. Their battles are often brutal and violent as they attempted to inflict serious harm on each other. While they may not have successfully killed one another, their battles have been a significant and an enduring element of the X-Men. But this isn’t about wolverine is it? Lets take a look at Santa’s and Deadpool’s strengths and weaknesses in a side by side comparison.

In this corner, all the way from the North Pole……….Saannnta!
Santa has some impressive skills and powers up his sleeve. Lets start with his age, 1753 years old. You simply do not get this old without covert and tactical skills. Santa can manipulate reality itself allowing him to bend the laws of physics. Santa also has powers of teleportation and immortality that he can use for escapes or help him stay in the fight longer to finish it. As an Omega level mutant, Santa Claus has had enough time in his life to master all the powers he has.
There is not a lot of documentation to show how one could defeat, much less, kill the Claus. However, we could just speculate that if enough people stopped believing and dark magic was involved then it could mean the end of the Jolly man in Red. I am going to say that in this case it isn’t going to happen. Lets just let if fall onto a battle and remember Santa wears Red not to hide blood.
And in this corner, climbing out of the back of a cab……DeeaaadddPoooolllll!
Deadpool has some serious skills under his belt. Having been injected with Wolverine’s serum, he gained a lot of powers and a new dad all in one. He didn’t get Pops skeleton structure or manly looks. He did however get enhanced physiology that gave him superhuman strengths, speed, agility and reflexes. Along with Fourth Wall Awareness, he gained incredibly fast healing factors. Coupled with his combat skills, he can be a one X-Force army.
I am going to be the one to say it, mental instability. He goes above and beyond to make sure the vigilantly comes out by exhibiting erratic behavior including impulsive mood swings with violence being the cure. He is also suffering from some emotional vulnerability. He struggles with his past and harbors deep emotional wounds from his past while living with loneliness, self-doubt and guilt.
The Battle
With a twinkle in his eye and a hearty laugh, Santa employed his magical powers and threw several items out of his bag at Deadpool. Deadpool picked up two and instantly became mesmerized while staring at a Spiderman and Unicorn doll. Deadpool quickly snapped out and yelled “what in the fart spackle is this trickery” while putting them in his back pack. Deadpool then pulled his pistols and started unloading. Sounds of cannons rang out in a never ending borage of gunfire. Between the blasts Deadpool could he Santa Scream, or did he. No, that was the Santa’s Jolley laugh as he used his mastery of time and space to outmaneuver the bullets. Deadpool outraged, quickly catches Santa off-guard, draws his sword and with a quick swipe, Santa’s hat fell into two pieces. Deadpool then unleashes everything he has onto Santa, who struggled to defend himself against the onslaught. Santa confused and feeling ill-prepared after dodging so many bullets decided to bring the most powerful weapon of all, reindeers.

With a yell from Santa, On Dasher, On Dancer, on Prancer and Vixem, On Comet, On Cupid, On Dunder and Blitzem the reindeer performed what looked like a Mexican hat dance upon Deadpool. Just when he was about to stand back up, one final blow came from Rudolph. With each thunderous blow, Deadpool found himself outmatched by the combined might of the reindeer who had fought with unwavering determination to preserve the magic of Christmas and Santa. Awhile, Santa was Jolly and yelling “Ho Ho Ho, are you done“.

Deadpool, starts getting up, dusts his self off and says “I must have missed the memo about the annual reindeer rampage but I always knew I had a soft spot for animals“. He then quickly looks around and sees all the other things Santa threw at him in the beginning of the fight. Rummaging through the gifts, he finds and picks up a jar of glitter. Deadpool quickly throws the jar into the air, fires a shot at it and a blinding cloud of shimmering delight created a distraction. As the reindeer paused disoriented by the unexpected sparkle storm, Deadpool takes advantage of the chaoes and slips away for more weapons. It was at this moment Santa made a decision to use the most powerful weapon he has to end this battle.

Using his speed, Santa ran ahead of Deadpool. When Deadpool picked up a gun, Santa replaced it with a Candy Cain. When Deadpool grabbed something else, Santa replaced it with another Christmas gift. This continued for hours until Deadpool was left holding a wolverine doll. With a tear in his eye, Deadpool said “Its the dad that keeps on giving“. Santa then decided this was the time for his secrete weapon, he hugged Deadpool. Just like the Grinch, he got warm and fuzzy feeling. Deadpool and Santa had come to the end of the battle. As Santa watched Deadpool walk away, he heard him say “I always wanted to be in the reindeer games, thanks dad“. It was at this moment Santa realized he had made Deadpool’s dad, Wolverine, proud of his son.

Was there a winner? I think Deadpool did extremely good for himself being a Trainee and all. If for some reason he cannot figure it out, I will be more than happy to suit up for the cause. Even if he doesn’t want to meat up, I can always say that if it were not for me, you would have never went to Wolverines grave site to make up with daddy.